PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (Study Results Available) and Opportunity for a Public Hearing Do you want a Public Hearing on changes proposed for Interstate 5 in Kern County? Grapevine Culvert Repair Project PROJECT The Calfomia Department o Transportation proposes to repair the floor of Grapevine Creek Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts located within the median and ousde shoulders of Interstate 5 in Kern County from post miles 7.5 to 90 (Catrans) PROJECT KERN COUNTY Caltrans has studied the efects th project may have on the environment Ou studies show t will not signcanty atfect the quality of the enviconment The Inital Study with poposed gated Negative Declaration expiains why there are no sign cant effects. This notce is to nform you of the preparation of the Intal Study with its proposed Mitigated Negatve Dediaration and ts availablity for you to review and comment on Proposnt Cu PROJECT PROJECT Beginning Februry2209nital Study with Proposed Mldgated Negative Declaration at the folowing locations beavaiable for review Caltrans District Office, 1352 W. OlieAveue, FesoC32,Monday hrough Friday from 8,00am t400 p Frer Park Publc Library. 3332 Park Dr. Fraoier Park CA 93225 Tuesday trough Thursday 1100 am to00 pm, and Friday and Saturday 9.00 am to 5,00pm Do you have any comments about processing the project with a Miagated Negative Deciaration and the Initial Study? Do you dsagree with the tindings of our study as set forth in the proposed Miögated Negative Declaration? Would you care to make any other comment on the project? Would you like a public hearing? Please submit your comments in wniting no later than March 26, 2019 to Caltrans Envitonmental Planning, Atention Trais Norris, Senior Eironmental Planner, 855 'M Sreet, Suite 200, Fresno, CA 93721, or email trais.nomis@dot The date Caitans ll begin accepting comments is February 25, 2019 If there are no major comments, Caltrans willproceed with the project 's design For more information about this project piease contact Minerva Rodriguez, Project Manager, at (559) 243-3451, or by email at minerva rodriguez@dot cagov, or Trais Nornis, Senior Environmental Planner, at (550)445-6447, or by email at trais nomis@dot ca gov For indviduals who require special accommodation (documentation in atemate formats, etc.). please contact the Caltrans District 6 Public Affairs Office at (550) 444-2409. Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDO) users may contact the Caifomia Relay Services TDO andlor Voice Line at 1 (800) 735-2922 or 711