PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA zip codes turn up gold for residents Contents inside sealed Vault Bricks reveal old U.S. coins with added 24 Karat Gold Layering minted nearly 100 years ago are actually being handed over to California residents who find their zip code below; but only those who beat the 48 hour deadline are getting them at just state minimum "If you live in the state of ed to find your coded in today's newspaper and all indiately aid Lars AL Director of Coin and Currency National Mint and Tr That's because Ca can really cash in for the 48 bours Here's why. Non- and those who mins the bordead pay per fornia residents who take the Vas Bricks cover just the That mea all per cui sta Calar with idest 24 Karat Gold Layering for just 500 which is a real steal since non-state residents must pay e L000 each Vult Brick And tee for those clalaning the Jumbo Gold Brick co This is all happening bet sands of US residents and to miss the deadline to claim the gold any resident who finds their Isted in today's publication and all to verify it gets to claim the Gold V Bricks for the d all the valuable gold And here's the best part. Calor is residents who find their pode lated in today's por ting Sealed Vit Bricks og the only California State Gold Basi Boll known to exist with the excl ve State Restricted Design and each able 34 Karat Gold by National Mist and Treasury "As of Cols and Cy for National Mist and Treasury, of my job is to deliver breaking And today's orig the release of Sealed Gold B to residents of the state of Cali abigat gota Lyn who "So my advice is this, gris an opportunity to get the hands one of these Gold Vest Bricks ful of coins issued by the US G 100 years age with rare 24 Karat Gold pering from the National Mint and Treasury better jump at the chance while they still cand "The Gold V Bricks make the timprese gits for Christmas ochs, graduations, wings and y other orcion, especially for th hand-to-buy-for person, Lynne sid According to Msg, since th sands of US residents and to the deadline to him the gold, today domowe inde of cial 48 hours for the California residents. This gives them "We already know the phone will te ringing off the books w Sandreds of spets are manding tower the phos beginning 30mming Weig do our best, but with 48 hours to all the case So make sure to tell everyone to calling it all lines are b best to awer them all Lynne sed That's why National Mind T y set up the State Distribution Hotlines in order to make sure re dents of Caliis cong th L The only thing readers of today's newspaper publication need to do is make sure they he is one o codested and call the State Die Hodine by the special deado ved midnight. a fair chance to clai RARELY Vault Bricks and all the value SEEN aded inside for the BM Lyse added, "The Redes o Gold Bricks story permits during the special 45 hour release so pse do not the deadline" The director added, "W have to power to stop coin deser resers of collectors in Gold Vault Bricks they can get their hands on Lane the TRISTED FLYING OUT THE DOOR Lucky Cattomie RESTRICTED at pay per con if any CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: IF YOU FIND YOUR ZIP CODE BELOW CALL: 1-800-280-4564 EXT: GNH1333 1321 10241 10043 201 $1040 RESTRICTED 10000 NOON kus NEARLY YEARS AGO 6 FIRST LOOK INSIDE GOLD VAULT BRICKS Role containing RESTRICTED Kj 9X250 90057 RESTRICT #205 Brick How are the Gold A It's imposable t but the Bufalos date cle That's because only an extremely low percentage dal 25 count Cal Bank R K 13301 ndney Bank Rols These a and Treasury restricted to Cala beat the deadline on Vaut which is 800 hest 2 days should hold th Q: Why are so many California residents calling to get them? A: Because they are the only Calfornia Sta These a wly 100 Best of geldi 5-800-290-4564 Ext Che below Thur's Gory N which to 90304 0300 Answering Your Questions 100 400 900 JPSTE $500 the dinding upay $1,000 find their p-code in today' 1309 2011 ATIONAL AND ECOT AFFILIATED WITH THE MIT THE GOVERNMENT BANKO GOVERNMENT ANY 2009 CANTON 4200ATL 11 10313 2014 Que Vau Boks The Gold Vaut Bricks a de soday's pu 10501 100 90123 10120 1900's and are not on Sper But when they 31 23555 01 1542 VALUABLE KARE KAR GOLD LAYERING US con webracing for th Salon dating clear back to the im set by National M today's publication and Gold he St Tol-Free He That's because C Br B Gues Levering o INGS PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA zip codes turn up gold for residents Contents inside sealed Vault Bricks reveal old U.S. coins with added 24 Karat Gold Layering minted nearly 100 years ago are actually being handed over to California residents who find their zip code below ; but only those who beat the 48 hour deadline are getting them at just state minimum " If you live in the state of ed to find your coded in today's newspaper and all indiately aid Lars AL Director of Coin and Currency National Mint and Tr That's because Ca can really cash in for the 48 bours Here's why . Non and those who mins the bordead pay per fornia residents who take the Vas Bricks cover just the That mea all per cui sta Calar with idest 24 Karat Gold Layering for just 500 which is a real steal since non - state residents must pay e L000 each Vult Brick And tee for those clalaning the Jumbo Gold Brick co This is all happening bet sands of US residents and to miss the deadline to claim the gold any resident who finds their Isted in today's publication and all to verify it gets to claim the Gold V Bricks for the d all the valuable gold And here's the best part . Calor is residents who find their pode lated in today's por ting Sealed Vit Bricks og the only California State Gold Basi Boll known to exist with the excl ve State Restricted Design and each able 34 Karat Gold by National Mist and Treasury " As of Cols and Cy for National Mist and Treasury , of my job is to deliver breaking And today's orig the release of Sealed Gold B to residents of the state of Cali abigat gota Lyn who " So my advice is this , gris an opportunity to get the hands one of these Gold Vest Bricks ful of coins issued by the US G 100 years age with rare 24 Karat Gold pering from the National Mint and Treasury better jump at the chance while they still cand " The Gold V Bricks make the timprese gits for Christmas ochs , graduations , wings and y other orcion , especially for th hand - to - buy - for person , Lynne sid According to Msg , since th sands of US residents and to the deadline to him the gold , today domowe inde of cial 48 hours for the California residents . This gives them " We already know the phone will te ringing off the books w Sandreds of spets are manding tower the phos beginning 30mming Weig do our best , but with 48 hours to all the case So make sure to tell everyone to calling it all lines are b best to awer them all Lynne sed That's why National Mind T y set up the State Distribution Hotlines in order to make sure re dents of Caliis cong th L The only thing readers of today's newspaper publication need to do is make sure they he is one o codested and call the State Die Hodine by the special deado ved midnight . a fair chance to clai RARELY Vault Bricks and all the value SEEN aded inside for the BM Lyse added , " The Redes o Gold Bricks story permits during the special 45 hour release so pse do not the deadline " The director added , " W have to power to stop coin deser resers of collectors in Gold Vault Bricks they can get their hands on Lane the TRISTED FLYING OUT THE DOOR Lucky Cattomie RESTRICTED at pay per con if any CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS : IF YOU FIND YOUR ZIP CODE BELOW CALL : 1-800-280-4564 EXT : GNH1333 1321 10241 10043 201 $ 1040 RESTRICTED 10000 NOON kus NEARLY YEARS AGO 6 FIRST LOOK INSIDE GOLD VAULT BRICKS Role containing RESTRICTED Kj 9X250 90057 RESTRICT # 205 Brick How are the Gold A It's imposable t but the Bufalos date cle That's because only an extremely low percentage dal 25 count Cal Bank R K 13301 ndney Bank Rols These a and Treasury restricted to Cala beat the deadline on Vaut which is 800 hest 2 days should hold th Q : Why are so many California residents calling to get them ? A : Because they are the only Calfornia Sta These a wly 100 Best of geldi 5-800-290-4564 Ext Che below Thur's Gory N which to 90304 0300 Answering Your Questions 100 400 900 JPSTE $ 500 the dinding upay $ 1,000 find their p - code in today ' 1309 2011 ATIONAL AND ECOT AFFILIATED WITH THE MIT THE GOVERNMENT BANKO GOVERNMENT ANY 2009 CANTON 4200ATL 11 10313 2014 Que Vau Boks The Gold Vaut Bricks a de soday's pu 10501 100 90123 10120 1900's and are not on Sper But when they 31 23555 01 1542 VALUABLE KARE KAR GOLD LAYERING US con webracing for th Salon dating clear back to the im set by National M today's publication and Gold he St Tol - Free He That's because C Br B Gues Levering o INGS