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    July 6, 2022
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PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA residents scramble to get State Silver Bank Rolls CALIFORNIA Once Calforsican ever be any more which moves residents gut wind that Caldornia them into the colectible coin status State Bank Rolle filled with Sher Walking Libertis dating back to the early 100% were being handed over a dash That's because they are the only Bank Rol known to exist with the exclusive State Restricted Design That's why the state minimum t ly National Mist and Treasury of Just 89 per Silver Walking Liberty The phones will be ringing off the which is just 8585 for the full Bank book. That's because everyone will be Roll is a deal too good to pass up trying to get them while they still cut you better borry because these reeding to officials at the National California State Bank hes Mint and Treasury who say they can have been marked State Restricted by borvily keep up with all the orders price which means the state mi In fact, they had to impose a strict mit of 4 California State Bank Rolls So if you get the chance to get your hands on these State Bank Rolls you better burry because hundreds of California residente alevady have and you don't want to m wt by National Mint and Tray is stricted to Calornia residents and son state residents must pay full price f You see, the US Gov't stopped minting these Siver Walking erty Half Dollars in 1947 and there CALIFORNIA - get fest. That's why are heading for the food of the al Mist and T nga grely 130 di morning State of Calif Only State Restricted Silver Walking Liberty Bank Rolls go to California residents aded with rely Ser Walking Liberty California residents get first dibs on Sealed Bank Rolls loaded with US Gov't issued Silver Walking Liberties dating back to the early 1900's some worth up to 100 times their face value starting at 7:30 am today STATE DISTRIBUTION: A strict limit of 4 California State Bank Rolls per CA resident has been imposed 118 G are actually being handed over to Call whe Free Hosted in to'p US Cole and Curry DULATION peo SILVER OF THE LAST SAUER "Mand Tayy poke with its Chief Profesional maist who wery few people have atually sew of the y ver Walking Liberty Half Dolby Go back they olyfod th Bank di keding but locky ough to hand on these anks had beeld t the "But here's the god The ida thotu stricted by price which Le Coorhind the by National Met and T y is reed to Cart only and non-tate residents pay price yok de This important y Calfri State arty Bank Rod known to Yout at them at banks or creditor the Gover they do State See Wedding Liberty Bank In bt, you can only get thing the State Re And here's the best part. The rol sunsearched so there's no telling how much they could be worth in col ktor va the k That's www.loaded with God ver Wiking Liberties, each wie met mini good or above, the dates and mint mark That's because they make ang gifts for children, grandchildeve and loved ones the look on the the State they know what you did the of the River Walking dide the Bank bredt, de that of these co dale clear back to the m 00 and 0% pure Ce residents who get their be glad they die w And he's the resident of the state of Call only the per col part by the National Max and T US Gover Wiking Liberty hp to 100 Half Dollars ce va for just which is because alate residents with dead and date iets per in which t main for the day dead your you ke there ofer 90% pure veranda lectors and the e the begin the book the only thing readers need de is make ofte they are state of Calders and all the State 1 The Hot printed in today's de B LAST MINTED A, DENVER & Sa FACTS: MANICA Why are so many California residents claiming this way dewly from National Mandre se SverThese US Govt sed Silver Wing Liberties were minded in the end Walking Libertiested again. That makes the collectible. The vast majority of half dollars TL de 1870 the State of Coworth more then content at all and the Walking Liberty a Dollars were one of the last silver coised for Bank are being offered d up www other half dollaration So here's no ting how much they could be worth in colector value berpedof desta claim the m 4k Ros per resident while they will How do I get the State Silver STARTED STA INOOD WETRIAT ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL 1916-19 HOW TO CLAIM THE CALIFORNIA STATE BANK ROLLS you are a Cao State Resident read the important information below about caining the Sever Bank Rothen call the State Free Hot at 8:30 am 1-800-879-3771 EXT: RWB-4822 How much are impossible to say, but some of these US Gov't und Waking Liberty Ma Dolars de back to the State Silver y 1900's and there are 15 in each Bana full so you better turry if you want to get your hand Waking Liberty Collectoys fluctuate and there are never any guarantees But we do know ab Bank fosworthcolectible to anyone lucky enough to get their hands on the Silver Bank Pols should hold the bere's now much they could be worth in colector value medias STATE MINIMUM OF SUPPO MINT AND THEY 100tes here Seaking Uberts which ch Cab RARELY SEEN TED THE US Because they are they allo Steaking Liberty Baku 1 ce State Restricted Design, everyone who wants their share better call the S propon, Each Bank fell contains a whoping 15 Sering dating back to the st 1900's Best of all the Bank Ruts have been marked State Restricted by price which means the state minimum ot by National Mint and Treasury is restricted to C who beat the only. That means Cala resents cover only $39 per Sverig which is just for the tu Banks for the next 2 to Credents are auto clain up to the line of 4 Caming Liberty Siber Sa cading the Statene at 1-800-879-2771 4022 starting preciony 8:30 a Everyone who does is going the only Cats Staking Liberty Silver Bank Runown to th Sed De koloring 13 Sve Waking Liberties on the 1800's Mand the seat by the to the land Se Waking Liberty Seakay & AN THE US GOVERNMENT BAN RESIDENTS PO30443 CANTON, OH ART NATIONAL STAND EASY GOVERNMENT AGENCE 24% SALES TAN NATIONAL PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA residents scramble to get State Silver Bank Rolls CALIFORNIA Once Calforsican ever be any more which moves residents gut wind that Caldornia them into the colectible coin status State Bank Rolle filled with Sher Walking Libertis dating back to the early 100 % were being handed over a dash That's because they are the only Bank Rol known to exist with the exclusive State Restricted Design That's why the state minimum t ly National Mist and Treasury of Just 89 per Silver Walking Liberty The phones will be ringing off the which is just 8585 for the full Bank book . That's because everyone will be Roll is a deal too good to pass up trying to get them while they still cut you better borry because these reeding to officials at the National California State Bank hes Mint and Treasury who say they can have been marked State Restricted by borvily keep up with all the orders price which means the state mi In fact , they had to impose a strict mit of 4 California State Bank Rolls So if you get the chance to get your hands on these State Bank Rolls you better burry because hundreds of California residente alevady have and you don't want to m wt by National Mint and Tray is stricted to Calornia residents and son state residents must pay full price f You see , the US Gov't stopped minting these Siver Walking erty Half Dollars in 1947 and there CALIFORNIA - get fest . That's why are heading for the food of the al Mist and T nga grely 130 di morning State of Calif Only State Restricted Silver Walking Liberty Bank Rolls go to California residents aded with rely Ser Walking Liberty California residents get first dibs on Sealed Bank Rolls loaded with US Gov't issued Silver Walking Liberties dating back to the early 1900's some worth up to 100 times their face value starting at 7:30 am today STATE DISTRIBUTION : A strict limit of 4 California State Bank Rolls per CA resident has been imposed 118 G are actually being handed over to Call whe Free Hosted in to'p US Cole and Curry DULATION peo SILVER OF THE LAST SAUER " Mand Tayy poke with its Chief Profesional maist who wery few people have atually sew of the y ver Walking Liberty Half Dolby Go back they olyfod th Bank di keding but locky ough to hand on these anks had beeld t the " But here's the god The ida thotu stricted by price which Le Coorhind the by National Met and T y is reed to Cart only and non - tate residents pay price yok de This important y Calfri State arty Bank Rod known to Yout at them at banks or creditor the Gover they do State See Wedding Liberty Bank In bt , you can only get thing the State Re And here's the best part . The rol sunsearched so there's no telling how much they could be worth in col ktor va the k That's www.loaded with God ver Wiking Liberties , each wie met mini good or above , the dates and mint mark That's because they make ang gifts for children , grandchildeve and loved ones the look on the the State they know what you did the of the River Walking dide the Bank bredt , de that of these co dale clear back to the m 00 and 0 % pure Ce residents who get their be glad they die w And he's the resident of the state of Call only the per col part by the National Max and T US Gover Wiking Liberty hp to 100 Half Dollars ce va for just which is because alate residents with dead and date iets per in which t main for the day dead your you ke there ofer 90 % pure veranda lectors and the e the begin the book the only thing readers need de is make ofte they are state of Calders and all the State 1 The Hot printed in today's de B LAST MINTED A , DENVER & Sa FACTS : MANICA Why are so many California residents claiming this way dewly from National Mandre se SverThese US Govt sed Silver Wing Liberties were minded in the end Walking Libertiested again . That makes the collectible . The vast majority of half dollars TL de 1870 the State of Coworth more then content at all and the Walking Liberty a Dollars were one of the last silver coised for Bank are being offered d up www other half dollaration So here's no ting how much they could be worth in colector value berpedof desta claim the m 4k Ros per resident while they will How do I get the State Silver STARTED STA INOOD WETRIAT ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL 1916-19 HOW TO CLAIM THE CALIFORNIA STATE BANK ROLLS you are a Cao State Resident read the important information below about caining the Sever Bank Rothen call the State Free Hot at 8:30 am 1-800-879-3771 EXT : RWB - 4822 How much are impossible to say , but some of these US Gov't und Waking Liberty Ma Dolars de back to the State Silver y 1900's and there are 15 in each Bana full so you better turry if you want to get your hand Waking Liberty Collectoys fluctuate and there are never any guarantees But we do know ab Bank fosworthcolectible to anyone lucky enough to get their hands on the Silver Bank Pols should hold the bere's now much they could be worth in colector value medias STATE MINIMUM OF SUPPO MINT AND THEY 100tes here Seaking Uberts which ch Cab RARELY SEEN TED THE US Because they are they allo Steaking Liberty Baku 1 ce State Restricted Design , everyone who wants their share better call the S propon , Each Bank fell contains a whoping 15 Sering dating back to the st 1900's Best of all the Bank Ruts have been marked State Restricted by price which means the state minimum ot by National Mint and Treasury is restricted to C who beat the only . That means Cala resents cover only $ 39 per Sverig which is just for the tu Banks for the next 2 to Credents are auto clain up to the line of 4 Caming Liberty Siber Sa cading the Statene at 1-800-879-2771 4022 starting preciony 8:30 a Everyone who does is going the only Cats Staking Liberty Silver Bank Runown to th Sed De koloring 13 Sve Waking Liberties on the 1800's Mand the seat by the to the land Se Waking Liberty Seakay & AN THE US GOVERNMENT BAN RESIDENTS PO30443 CANTON , OH ART NATIONAL STAND EASY GOVERNMENT AGENCE 24 % SALES TAN NATIONAL