PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA zip codes turn up gold for residents Contents inside sealed Vault Bricks reveal old U.S. coins with rare 24 Karat Gold Layering issued by the U.S. Gov't nearly 100 years ago are actually being handed over to California residents who find their zip code belous but only those who beat the 48 hour deadline are getting them at just state minimum you in the state of Ca you do you today's and LA Director of Coin and Curry for Natal Mist and Treary That's bese Cal who find the poin publication are getting Bricks containing the only Car State Gold Bank Roll kors to exi chand with yo' N Kar Gold. This is all ing because thousands of U dents and to miss the deadline Nowy reside fists their xp code ited is today's potication and calls to yo laim the God Vas Bricks for them and keep all the value g And here's the best part Ca resis really is for the next 48 hours. That's because state and those who the de pay per Caloria residents who take the r V Bricks ver the state in That CFLYING OUT se get all with 24 Karat Gad Lagring for just 8500 which is a real alice - residents pay Brick And for the JC Vuk Bricks "As Director of Cols and Currency for National Mint and Tr of my job is to deliver breaking news And today's ther of God Vault Brick ociate of of Californin rwrhig angrt; Lrmmer "So my advice is pels opport of these of with24K Gold nged by the US Gov't early 100 years ago better jump at the chance while they still con "The Gold Vs Bricks make the timpressive gita wh to t boods thdays, graus, weddings, a any other occasion, especially for that hard-to--for pers According to Ma Ly of t the dead to claim the gold today tomorrow are intended as a spe cial 48 hour rate the benefit of Cal residents. This gives them to the far V Brat de for the BM Lyd, "The Sealed Gld Vil tory permits during the special 48 do The director d Gold Vs Bricks they can get their handgemid "We ready the beringing off the book. That's why hundreds of agents are standing by to awer the phones beginning at 800 tising. We going to door het but with So make sure to tell every to keep rnaling: fala byWe do ov bette That's why National Mand Tre ry set up the State Distribution Hotes in order to make des of Carico get them o Lynne sid The only thing readers of today's paper publication need to do k make sure y live in ose des listed and all the be the special 48 hour deadline vode mätight VESTRON RESOONT RESTRI RESTRICTED L HUS GOVE GLY 100 YEARS AGO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: IF YOU FIND YOUR ZIP CODE BELOW. CALL: 1-800-997-8038 EXT: BNA1207 13241 93254 10243 91257 $3249 $1903 1000 8020 U 13215 Q FIRST LOOK INSIDE GOLD VAULT BRICKS containing e each pred any can 129 90222 90225 12 10250 10240 13252 there 48 hours How A's 24K Bank the Sky there's RELICTED RESTRICT Q: How do I get the Gold Brick 100 3205 1268 1330 That's ar Answering Your Questions are the Gold Bri to say on date c Gold Langed and protect to warto po grandes but do n 1250 90210 M Gold and ce Alors the des king be Nicander Acht 500% SAME OFFER CANTOR 33304 1306 3308 3000 308 listed in today's publication, s $3009 10501 10311 201505 90312 103013 0314 & They the only Clarksonst wan bracing for th These are not ordinary Bank Rolls These are full Bank Recentning 23 Bulles deng 2900's Best of Buffalsed in 24 Kaland by Mand Teory is rected to Callonia residents who find the y That means Ca de cover only $4 pu Brickwh just $5002 days 10523 30527 4202 NATIONAL AND E AMER the early 1900's and we do collector condition and there #ABLE BAKA GOLD LAVERING should hold them 10531 10555 80540 80061 1062 och Bak Geld be the person statem Brcks The Goduced with Cat God enning it precisely 30 adine must pay Sip thing the Junto God Wal becau Colors who for WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM ADFFERENTIALLOCATION PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA zip codes turn up gold for residents Contents inside sealed Vault Bricks reveal old U.S. coins with rare 24 Karat Gold Layering issued by the U.S. Gov't nearly 100 years ago are actually being handed over to California residents who find their zip code belous but only those who beat the 48 hour deadline are getting them at just state minimum you in the state of Ca you do you today's and LA Director of Coin and Curry for Natal Mist and Treary That's bese Cal who find the poin publication are getting Bricks containing the only Car State Gold Bank Roll kors to exi chand with yo ' N Kar Gold . This is all ing because thousands of U dents and to miss the deadline Nowy reside fists their xp code ited is today's potication and calls to yo laim the God Vas Bricks for them and keep all the value g And here's the best part Ca resis really is for the next 48 hours . That's because state and those who the de pay per Caloria residents who take the r V Bricks ver the state in That CFLYING OUT se get all with 24 Karat Gad Lagring for just 8500 which is a real alice - residents pay Brick And for the JC Vuk Bricks " As Director of Cols and Currency for National Mint and Tr of my job is to deliver breaking news And today's ther of God Vault Brick ociate of of Californin rwrhig angrt ; Lrmmer " So my advice is pels opport of these of with24K Gold nged by the US Gov't early 100 years ago better jump at the chance while they still con " The Gold Vs Bricks make the timpressive gita wh to t boods thdays , graus , weddings , a any other occasion , especially for that hard - to -- for pers According to Ma Ly of t the dead to claim the gold today tomorrow are intended as a spe cial 48 hour rate the benefit of Cal residents . This gives them to the far V Brat de for the BM Lyd , " The Sealed Gld Vil tory permits during the special 48 do The director d Gold Vs Bricks they can get their handgemid " We ready the beringing off the book . That's why hundreds of agents are standing by to awer the phones beginning at 800 tising . We going to door het but with So make sure to tell every to keep rnaling : fala byWe do ov bette That's why National Mand Tre ry set up the State Distribution Hotes in order to make des of Carico get them o Lynne sid The only thing readers of today's paper publication need to do k make sure y live in ose des listed and all the be the special 48 hour deadline vode mätight VESTRON RESOONT RESTRI RESTRICTED L HUS GOVE GLY 100 YEARS AGO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS : IF YOU FIND YOUR ZIP CODE BELOW . CALL : 1-800-997-8038 EXT : BNA1207 13241 93254 10243 91257 $ 3249 $ 1903 1000 8020 U 13215 Q FIRST LOOK INSIDE GOLD VAULT BRICKS containing e each pred any can 129 90222 90225 12 10250 10240 13252 there 48 hours How A's 24K Bank the Sky there's RELICTED RESTRICT Q : How do I get the Gold Brick 100 3205 1268 1330 That's ar Answering Your Questions are the Gold Bri to say on date c Gold Langed and protect to warto po grandes but do n 1250 90210 M Gold and ce Alors the des king be Nicander Acht 500 % SAME OFFER CANTOR 33304 1306 3308 3000 308 listed in today's publication , s $ 3009 10501 10311 201505 90312 103013 0314 & They the only Clarksonst wan bracing for th These are not ordinary Bank Rolls These are full Bank Recentning 23 Bulles deng 2900's Best of Buffalsed in 24 Kaland by Mand Teory is rected to Callonia residents who find the y That means Ca de cover only $ 4 pu Brickwh just $ 5002 days 10523 30527 4202 NATIONAL AND E AMER the early 1900's and we do collector condition and there #ABLE BAKA GOLD LAVERING should hold them 10531 10555 80540 80061 1062 och Bak Geld be the person statem Brcks The Goduced with Cat God enning it precisely 30 adine must pay Sip thing the Junto God Wal becau Colors who for WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM ADFFERENTIALLOCATION