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    June 28, 2022
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PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA residents scramble to get State Silver Bank Rolls CALIFORNIA Once California residente get wind that California State Bank filed with See Walking Liberties dating back to the early 2000s were being handed over there was a mad dash to get them That's because they are the only Bank Role known to exist with the exclusive State Restricted D The phones will be ringing off the hook. That's because everyone will be according to officials at the National Mint and Treasury who say they can barely lep up with the le fact, they had to impose a strict it of 4 California State Bank Ristried to So, if you get the chance to get your and non-state residents must pay full hands on the price any Thak be State Bank Rolls you better hurry because hundreds of Calorisedenis levady have and you don't want to mis You the US Gov't stopped minting the Söver Walking Lek H erty Half Dollar in 197 there they know bed with newly v US She Walking Liwety Hall D ally being handed o dels who cheate Todo Sated in today's newspaper p NHÀ THEO P spoke with Chief Pro whoid Very few people have ver one of the lys v Butt Only State Restricted Silver Walking Liberty Bank Rolls go to California residents CALIFORNIA C tnt de That's why Hai Open SILVER ONL are being the food of US Coin and Curry D for the National Mint and Ther egy gate of Calter Bhak tually Walking by Hall D US Gov't back in the sty tally find themsel ke f California residents get first dibs on Sealed Bank Rolls loaded with US Gov't issued Silver Walking Liberties dating back to the early 1900's some worth up to 100 times their face value starting at 7.30 am today STATE DISTRIBUTION: A strict limit of 4 California State Bank Rolls per CA resident has been imposed So apone larky rough to get their hands on the Banks had better d L ter's the The Tods teves have be stricted by price Wing only Calor Sale erty koleks to You get them at banks of Got by National Mind Te ympT MINTED PHILADELING, DENVER pece ayak C te vee Walking Liberty B they do not prod det, you caly get the create te the this way diely National M Treasury Lynne expla what the Mate of Called faks are being of eurof dents claim the Bank Rals per et while they cond L That's the www loaded with 15 US Gov't www Walking Libertin, nach wied et minder good or above, the dates and mist marks of the River Walking Liberty dide the Bank that bo wached Hat, we do of these ide clear back to the m 200da Call who get their hands on them wi new 90% pare can never be any more which moves them into the collectible constatas And bere's the best part. The rol searched so there's no telling how much they could be worth in loeter value of be glad they And here's the party in esident of the state of California po niy 829 per constate minim by the National Mat and Treasury that's US Gov't ever Walking Liberty Dolars worth to 10t That's why the state minimum t by National Mint and Treasury of 30 per Silve Walking Liberty which is 8383 for the bell Bank Roll la a deal too good to pass you better Cani ate Bank themselves have been marked Mate Restricted by price which means the set by National Met and Treasury residents w because state ridents who the dead and stay perous which als mine the 2-die Gar and af ga ived ones 2 lectors and the "We will bringing the hooke the only thing readers seed to dels make were they state of Callesis and all the are of " Te os printed in today's on paid they make mode FACTS: VESTINIONA How much are State Silver Liberty Bank Rods worth RESTRICTED EN COD WATRUST ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL 1916-19 How do I get the State Svering the Walking Liberty Bank Rob HOW TO CLAIM THE CALIFORNIA STATE BANK ROLLS the Sever you are Calent ad the important information below about Bank Rothen call the State -Heat 6:30 am 1-800-979-3771 EXT: RW-4763 the Silver The US Gold She Walking Liberties were marted in the early 1900's and will be Walking Liberented apes That makes them collectible. The majority of half dollars meted after 1870 v worth more than her content at a and these Waking Liberty at Dolars were one of the latered for other half dollars Sesong how much they could be worth in cole STATE MINIMUM OF T SPER CONSET NATIONAL MTAND THEY poto but some of these 5 Gorted Waking Liberty Duck early 1900's and there are 15 in each fk fall so you better hurry if you want to get your hands on them Collectorum ays fluctuate and there are never any parts. But we do knowing t colectible to anyone ky enough to get their hands on the Silver Burk Fots should hold them Everyone who toma petting the only C exclusive de ested Design. That's a 1900 RARELY SEEN MINTED BY THE US. Why are so many Calfornia Because they are the only Calum State Waking Uberty Sir Boks State Restricted Design everyone who wants their are better the State hopping 15 Sering betyr to exist with the -Frees residents claiminged in today's publication fach k od conta dating back to the 1800's Best of of the Bank Ran have been marked by which he set by National Mind and Turyst who beat the deadline only That means Calfomisso only 130 per SverWaking L which othek for the next day. ed to cales up to the list of 4 Calon Seaking bety Silver Bank Rede by 1-800-479-3771 473 y 8:30 a thing St Waking Ubety Sher Bank Rolls with the Bak foting 15 Ser Waking Uberts for the el for at the state by the Met and ng Liberty which the land that's pay $1,770xeach Cam Se Waking 100 There GOVERNMENT DEFERENT GEOGRAPHICLO ASUK PO BOX OR CANTON, OH 4T NATIONAL MNT AND TREASURY GOVERNMENT AGENCY PAID ADVERTISEMENT CA residents scramble to get State Silver Bank Rolls CALIFORNIA Once California residente get wind that California State Bank filed with See Walking Liberties dating back to the early 2000s were being handed over there was a mad dash to get them That's because they are the only Bank Role known to exist with the exclusive State Restricted D The phones will be ringing off the hook . That's because everyone will be according to officials at the National Mint and Treasury who say they can barely lep up with the le fact , they had to impose a strict it of 4 California State Bank Ristried to So , if you get the chance to get your and non - state residents must pay full hands on the price any Thak be State Bank Rolls you better hurry because hundreds of Calorisedenis levady have and you don't want to mis You the US Gov't stopped minting the Söver Walking Lek H erty Half Dollar in 197 there they know bed with newly v US She Walking Liwety Hall D ally being handed o dels who cheate Todo Sated in today's newspaper p NHÀ THEO P spoke with Chief Pro whoid Very few people have ver one of the lys v Butt Only State Restricted Silver Walking Liberty Bank Rolls go to California residents CALIFORNIA C tnt de That's why Hai Open SILVER ONL are being the food of US Coin and Curry D for the National Mint and Ther egy gate of Calter Bhak tually Walking by Hall D US Gov't back in the sty tally find themsel ke f California residents get first dibs on Sealed Bank Rolls loaded with US Gov't issued Silver Walking Liberties dating back to the early 1900's some worth up to 100 times their face value starting at 7.30 am today STATE DISTRIBUTION : A strict limit of 4 California State Bank Rolls per CA resident has been imposed So apone larky rough to get their hands on the Banks had better d L ter's the The Tods teves have be stricted by price Wing only Calor Sale erty koleks to You get them at banks of Got by National Mind Te ympT MINTED PHILADELING , DENVER pece ayak C te vee Walking Liberty B they do not prod det , you caly get the create te the this way diely National M Treasury Lynne expla what the Mate of Called faks are being of eurof dents claim the Bank Rals per et while they cond L That's the www loaded with 15 US Gov't www Walking Libertin , nach wied et minder good or above , the dates and mist marks of the River Walking Liberty dide the Bank that bo wached Hat , we do of these ide clear back to the m 200da Call who get their hands on them wi new 90 % pare can never be any more which moves them into the collectible constatas And bere's the best part . The rol searched so there's no telling how much they could be worth in loeter value of be glad they And here's the party in esident of the state of California po niy 829 per constate minim by the National Mat and Treasury that's US Gov't ever Walking Liberty Dolars worth to 10t That's why the state minimum t by National Mint and Treasury of 30 per Silve Walking Liberty which is 8383 for the bell Bank Roll la a deal too good to pass you better Cani ate Bank themselves have been marked Mate Restricted by price which means the set by National Met and Treasury residents w because state ridents who the dead and stay perous which als mine the 2 - die Gar and af ga ived ones 2 lectors and the " We will bringing the hooke the only thing readers seed to dels make were they state of Callesis and all the are of " Te os printed in today's on paid they make mode FACTS : VESTINIONA How much are State Silver Liberty Bank Rods worth RESTRICTED EN COD WATRUST ENLARGED TO SHOW DETAIL 1916-19 How do I get the State Svering the Walking Liberty Bank Rob HOW TO CLAIM THE CALIFORNIA STATE BANK ROLLS the Sever you are Calent ad the important information below about Bank Rothen call the State -Heat 6:30 am 1-800-979-3771 EXT : RW - 4763 the Silver The US Gold She Walking Liberties were marted in the early 1900's and will be Walking Liberented apes That makes them collectible . The majority of half dollars meted after 1870 v worth more than her content at a and these Waking Liberty at Dolars were one of the latered for other half dollars Sesong how much they could be worth in cole STATE MINIMUM OF T SPER CONSET NATIONAL MTAND THEY poto but some of these 5 Gorted Waking Liberty Duck early 1900's and there are 15 in each fk fall so you better hurry if you want to get your hands on them Collectorum ays fluctuate and there are never any parts . But we do knowing t colectible to anyone ky enough to get their hands on the Silver Burk Fots should hold them Everyone who toma petting the only C exclusive de ested Design . That's a 1900 RARELY SEEN MINTED BY THE US . Why are so many Calfornia Because they are the only Calum State Waking Uberty Sir Boks State Restricted Design everyone who wants their are better the State hopping 15 Sering betyr to exist with the -Frees residents claiminged in today's publication fach k od conta dating back to the 1800's Best of of the Bank Ran have been marked by which he set by National Mind and Turyst who beat the deadline only That means Calfomisso only 130 per SverWaking L which othek for the next day . ed to cales up to the list of 4 Calon Seaking bety Silver Bank Rede by 1-800-479-3771 473 y 8:30 a thing St Waking Ubety Sher Bank Rolls with the Bak foting 15 Ser Waking Uberts for the el for at the state by the Met and ng Liberty which the land that's pay $ 1,770xeach Cam Se Waking 100 There GOVERNMENT DEFERENT GEOGRAPHICLO ASUK PO BOX OR CANTON , OH 4T NATIONAL MNT AND TREASURY GOVERNMENT AGENCY