CPUBLIC NOTICE S Gonftrans Goftrans Notice of Intent to Adopt a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Project Level Conformity Determination [8-hour Ozone and Particulate Matter PM 2.5] for the State Route 46 Corridor Improvement Project - Antelope Grade Section BEGIN CONSTRUCTION PM 57.3 to Chalame PROPOSED BRIDGE PM 58.1 Proposed State Route 46 46 Existing State Route 46 (Portions to be abandoned) NOT SCALE SAN LUIS ORISPO COUNTY 46 LINE COUNTY to Last Mi END CONSTRUCTION PM 0.4 WHAT IS BEING PLANNED? The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, and the Kem Council of Governments, proposes the conversion of a 3.6-mile section of State Route 46 from a two-lane expressway to a four-lane expressway in San Luis Obispo and Kern counties in California. The project spans from post mile 57.3 (in San Luis Obispo County), located 1 mile west of Antelope Road, topost mile 0.4 (in Kern County), located 0.4 mile east of the county line between San Luis Obispo and Kem counties. The project would construct a four-lane expressway with a 62-foot median on a new alignment that roughly parallels the existing highway corridor to the north. The project would connect the existing four-lane expressway section in Kem County with the four-lane expressway currently under construction, the Wye segment, creating a continuous east-west corridor of four-lane expressway from Interstate 5 to U.S. 101. WHY THIS PUBLIC NOTICE? A Subsequent Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Assessment was prepared and circulated previously and discussed conformity in San Luis Obispo County. Although most of the work is in San Luis Obispo County, 0.4 mile of the project limits are in Kem County. Proposed work within Kem County includes 0.4 mile of conforming roadway work, including earthwork to construct about 0.13 mile of roadway and a center median, restriping to tie the project in with the existing four-lane section in Kern County, removing one culvert, and replacing one culvert. In the project location, Kern County is designated as non-attainment for National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter (PM 2.5) and 8-hour azone. Therefore, this public notice intends to provide interested parties with the opportunity to comment on the conformity status of Kern County. Project-level conformity analysis shows that the project will conform to the State Implementation Plan, including localized impact analysis with interagency consultation for particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) required by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 93.116 and 93.123. This project is not considered a Project of Air Quality Concern regarding particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Section 93.123(b)(1). A detailed PM10 and PM2.5 hot spot analysis was not completed because the Clean Air Act and 40 Code of Federal Regulations Section 93.116 requirements are met without an explicit hot-spot analysis. The project is currently in the process of being administratively listed in an amendment to the Federal Transportation Improvement Program and Regional Transportation Plan prepared by the Kem Council of Governments. WHERE YOU COME IN? Do you have any comments about the findings from the conformity analysis for this project that show the project will support local area air quality goals? Please submit written comments no later than December 13, 2023. Comments on the 2023 Subsequent Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration/Environmental Assessment were previously requested and received. Therefore, Caltrans is only requesting comments on the conformity determination. Please submit your comments in writing by U.S. Mail or email no later than December 13, 2023, to Dianna Beck, California Department of Transportation, 50 Higuera Street, San Luis Obispo, California 93401, or by email to dianna beck@dot.ca.gov. CONTACT For more information about this air conformity determination, please contact the District 5 Public Information Office at 805-549-3237 or by email at info-d5@dot.ca.gov, Project Manager Nicholas Heisdorf at 805-835-6558 or by email at nicholas.heisdorf@dot.ca.gov, or Associate Environmental Planner Dianna Beck at 805-459-9406 or by email at dianna beck@dot.ca.gov. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, individuals who require accommodation (American Sign Language Interpreter, accessible seating documents in alternative formats, etc.) are requested to contact the Caltrans District 5 Public Information Office at 805-549-3237 or by email at info-d5@dot.ca.gov. Telecommunication Devices for the Deat (TDD) users may contact the California Relay Service line at 1-800-735-2929, Voice Line at 1-800-735-2922, or contact the Califoria Relay Service Teletype Voice Line by dialing 711. CPUBLIC NOTICE S Gonftrans Goftrans Notice of Intent to Adopt a National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) Project Level Conformity Determination [ 8 - hour Ozone and Particulate Matter PM 2.5 ] for the State Route 46 Corridor Improvement Project - Antelope Grade Section BEGIN CONSTRUCTION PM 57.3 to Chalame PROPOSED BRIDGE PM 58.1 Proposed State Route 46 46 Existing State Route 46 ( Portions to be abandoned ) NOT SCALE SAN LUIS ORISPO COUNTY 46 LINE COUNTY to Last Mi END CONSTRUCTION PM 0.4 WHAT IS BEING PLANNED ? The California Department of Transportation ( Caltrans ) , in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration , the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments , and the Kem Council of Governments , proposes the conversion of a 3.6 - mile section of State Route 46 from a two - lane expressway to a four - lane expressway in San Luis Obispo and Kern counties in California . The project spans from post mile 57.3 ( in San Luis Obispo County ) , located 1 mile west of Antelope Road , topost mile 0.4 ( in Kern County ) , located 0.4 mile east of the county line between San Luis Obispo and Kem counties . The project would construct a four - lane expressway with a 62 - foot median on a new alignment that roughly parallels the existing highway corridor to the north . The project would connect the existing four - lane expressway section in Kem County with the four - lane expressway currently under construction , the Wye segment , creating a continuous east - west corridor of four - lane expressway from Interstate 5 to U.S. 101 . WHY THIS PUBLIC NOTICE ? A Subsequent Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Assessment was prepared and circulated previously and discussed conformity in San Luis Obispo County . Although most of the work is in San Luis Obispo County , 0.4 mile of the project limits are in Kem County . Proposed work within Kem County includes 0.4 mile of conforming roadway work , including earthwork to construct about 0.13 mile of roadway and a center median , restriping to tie the project in with the existing four - lane section in Kern County , removing one culvert , and replacing one culvert . In the project location , Kern County is designated as non - attainment for National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter ( PM 2.5 ) and 8 - hour azone . Therefore , this public notice intends to provide interested parties with the opportunity to comment on the conformity status of Kern County . Project - level conformity analysis shows that the project will conform to the State Implementation Plan , including localized impact analysis with interagency consultation for particulate matter ( PM10 and PM2.5 ) required by 40 Code of Federal Regulations Sections 93.116 and 93.123 . This project is not considered a Project of Air Quality Concern regarding particulate matter ( PM10 and PM2.5 ) as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations Section 93.123 ( b ) ( 1 ) . A detailed PM10 and PM2.5 hot spot analysis was not completed because the Clean Air Act and 40 Code of Federal Regulations Section 93.116 requirements are met without an explicit hot - spot analysis . The project is currently in the process of being administratively listed in an amendment to the Federal Transportation Improvement Program and Regional Transportation Plan prepared by the Kem Council of Governments . WHERE YOU COME IN ? Do you have any comments about the findings from the conformity analysis for this project that show the project will support local area air quality goals ? Please submit written comments no later than December 13 , 2023. Comments on the 2023 Subsequent Initial Study with Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration / Environmental Assessment were previously requested and received . Therefore , Caltrans is only requesting comments on the conformity determination . Please submit your comments in writing by U.S. Mail or email no later than December 13 , 2023 , to Dianna Beck , California Department of Transportation , 50 Higuera Street , San Luis Obispo , California 93401 , or by email to dianna beck@dot.ca.gov . CONTACT For more information about this air conformity determination , please contact the District 5 Public Information Office at 805-549-3237 or by email at info-d5@dot.ca.gov , Project Manager Nicholas Heisdorf at 805-835-6558 or by email at nicholas.heisdorf@dot.ca.gov , or Associate Environmental Planner Dianna Beck at 805-459-9406 or by email at dianna beck@dot.ca.gov . SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 , individuals who require accommodation ( American Sign Language Interpreter , accessible seating documents in alternative formats , etc. ) are requested to contact the Caltrans District 5 Public Information Office at 805-549-3237 or by email at info-d5@dot.ca.gov . Telecommunication Devices for the Deat ( TDD ) users may contact the California Relay Service line at 1-800-735-2929 , Voice Line at 1-800-735-2922 , or contact the Califoria Relay Service Teletype Voice Line by dialing 711 .