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    April 11, 2019
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This is more than great rates 2.10% 2.40% WELLS FARGO This is more savings for wherever you're going. Platinum Savings Account 0 Annual Percentage Yield for 12 months 0 with new money deposits of at least $25,000 and a minimum daily account balance of $25,000 or more Guaranteed Fixed-Rate CLD 0 Annual Percentage Yield for an 11-month term with new money deposits of at least $25,000* Talk to a banker for details. Offer expires May 31, 2019. Business owner? Ask about our business savings rates. Offers available in AZ, CA, CO. ND, NM, NV,OR,SD and WA. Portfolio by Wells Fargoe customers are eligible to receive an additional bonus interest rate on these accounts.3 L.To qualiy for tis offe oumust have anew or existing Platinom Savings account and ewollthe acount in this offer betweee 03/25/2019 and 05/31/2019 Thfabject tochange at any time without noice This offeris avalibleonly to Platinum Snings customers in the followng tates AZCA CON NM NU SDad Ahorder toeam the peca teest Rate af 2,0% Special ately must po t S2500 nm wmoney t m ores out ideofWells Fargo BakNA orts afdates to he led smpaccont andmantan an und acort balance of $25,000 throughout the term of this offer. The corresponding Aneual Pencentage Yiseld [APY) for this offer is 210% The Special Rate will be applied to the enrolled savings account for a perod of 12 months startingonthe dabe the account is enrolled in the ofes, However, for any day baingthat 120 e' p d that the dalyaco bare isi st teS25 0 0 nthe SpecialRate wil ap ky, and tente est rate ilt. ett the sta trdnes ace appiatie toy Pati nsa gsa curt Asof OZ 019 the standard r ees rar andAPY ra puti S gsacco tr AZ CA CO N NM, N ORSDandwAwithan acco tbalance of $0.01 a d above 5% 5%AP. Each ers own efectsthecarre t s umdalycollected b ance equ e toota theappiableAPYtn est isco po deddaly andpa monthy The amount of interest eaned is based on the daily collec ted balances in the account. Upon the expiration of the 12 month promotional period, standardinterest rabes apply. Minimum to open a Platinum Savings account is $25.Amonthly service fee of $12 applies in any month the account ls below a53,500 mnimum daily balance Fees may reduce earrings, Interest ratnes ane variuble and subject to change without notice ls Fargo my Emit the amount you depost to a Platium Savings account to an aggregate of SI milion Offe not available to Private Banking or Weath customers 2 Annuial Pencentage Yield (APY) is efflective for accounts opened between 03/25 2019 to05/3/2019 The11-month New Dolar CDspecial t APY K funds and wholesale accounts are not ei e for this o APY assumes interest renans on depos t until maturity. Interests con our ded dly Payment of interest ondDs is based on term For terms less than 12 months [365 da nterest may be pad monthly qu ter emi-annuallycr at muturitythe end of the tom Fortems of 12 months or more, interest may be paidmontbly, quarterly, semi-analy or aually. A fee for early withdrawal will e imposed and could reduce eamings on ths account, Special Rates are appkkable to the initial of CDonly At maturity, the Special Rate CD will automatically nenew for a term of 6months, at the intenest rate and APY in effect for COs on renewalde not sabject to a Special Rate, unless the Bankhas notified you otherwise. 1,2 Due to the new money requirement, accounts may only pened at your local branch. Wells Fargo reserves the right to modiy or discomtinue the offer at any time without notice. Minimumnew money deposit requirement of at least $25000 is for this offer only andcannot be transferred to another account to qualify for any other consumer depost ofer If yoo wish to take advantage of another conumer deposit ofter equiring a minimumsew money deposit,you mil be required to 0o s0 with another newmonsy deposit as stabed in the ofter requirenents and quald iations Oer caneot be combined with any other consumer depest ffer except the Portfolio by Wells Fango $500 oealblfrom Marh 25, 2019until May 31,2019.Offer cannet be reprodaced purthased, sold translered, or braded 3 The Portfolio by Wels Fargo pegram as a $30montyservice fee, which can be avoidedwhen you have one of the hla iga it gb aces $2S000 moren tynglinkedbankde taccounts heckin sa gscos FD e redIRA o SS 0000 0 einanycombinationcfqualey nginkedba kingbrokerage aal ble you We4sfa go d uc a dcredtbal nces n d 91 %of mort age balances certain mort es not ei lel the Portfolo y Vels Fa e relation ste w oed, the interest a e on all ei ble sam s acco ts and dsco ts or fee o verso other prodxts and se ces lldoo titue and reve 1 to the Bank's the current appl able ate or fee for bons interest rates on time accounts, thies change will occur upon renewal If the Portholio by Wells Fargo nelationshipis terminated, the remainingtinked WWells Fango Port olio Checking or Wells Fargo Prime Checking account will be converbed to another checking prodact or dlosed 02019 Wels FargoBak NAAR ghtsreserved Deposit productsoffered byWellsFargoBak NAMemberFDCNMLSR 399001 of $25,000 brought to Wells Fango from sources outside ofWells Fango Bank NA,or its affiliates to earn the advertised