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    August 2, 2018
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Give your money a raise Make your money work harder by earning higher interest rates. Talk to a banker for more details. Offer expires August 31, 2018. Platinum Savings Account Fixed Rate CD 1.25% enstrat 0.31% Annual Percentage 2.00% Annual Percentage Yield Interest rate 0 for 3 months for 11 months Enjoy our highest savings interest rate of 1.25% for 3 months (0.31% APY) with new money deposits of at least $25,000. Guaranteed fixed rate with new money deposits of at least $25,000 for a 11-month term. Both accounts are FDIC-insured up to the maximum allowable limit. Platinum Savings offer available in CA and MT. Fixed Rate CD offer available in MS, NC, SC, CA, and MT. Portfolio by Wells Fargo customers are eligible to receive an additional interest rate bonus on these accounts. 1. Special Interest rate and Annual Percentage ield(APY) of 0 31% is available for Platinum 25,000 deposited to the account from sources outside of Wells Fargo Bank NA, or its athilates Wells Fargo may limt the amount you deposit to a Platinum Savings account to an aggregane of 51milion.Aneual Percentage YldjapYl is ablended APY which is based on the Special nbierest Rabe for the initial theee 3 opomotional period and the Standard nberest Rate for remaining nine 190month Minimum daily account blane of $25,000 muit be maintained to eamhe shown Special Interest Rate and blended APY,The account xcounts opened in CA and MT. Interest rates and APYs are avalable from 7/9/2018 to 31/2018 subject to change at any time without notice Speciat Interest Rates requie avings accouunt of interest andbed is based on the MT witho and subject to change without notice 2Annuai Pencentage eld (APY) s effective for accounts opened between 7/9/2018 to 31 2018 and is subject to change at any time without notice The 11-month New Dollar CD specil equires a minimum of 525,000 brought to Wels Fargo froee sources outside ef Wells Fargo Bank.N.A, or its alianes to eam the advertibed APY.Public Funds and Wholesale accounns are not eligible for this offer.APY nsumes interest temairs on deposit until maturvity. isberest is compounded daily. Paymen of consumer deposit offer requiring a minimum new money deposit, you will be required to do so with another eew money depost as stated in the offer sequirements and qualifications Reproduced, purchased, sold, transferred or baded.3. The Portfolio by Weills Forgo has a $30 monthly service fee, which can be avolded wlhon you have one of the following qualfying balances $25,000 or more in qualifying linked bank depoit accounts(checking sivings CL FOICinuedIRAs or $50,000 or more in any combination of quality ing banking. brokerage al ble th ough Wells Fargo Advit rs, (land credt bala cesind ding 10% of ortgage balances, certain, ortgagesnot eligble), f the Art le by Wel, f go eationship ite mi ned, the bo us interest rate on all el gitle wings accounts and discounts or fee walvers on other products and services, will disconsinue and revert to the Banks then-cutent applicable rate or fee.if the Poetfolio by Wells Fogo relationship is beminated, the remaining uninked Wells Fargo Portfolio Checking or Weills Fargo 2018Fargo Bank, NA At rights reserved. Member FDIC NMLSR ID 399601 t bFDIo any Feseral Govement Agency May Lo Vlueots Drgosisofor unteed by Bnk