20 Years FROVS Built by John Balfanz Homes, Inc. in Bellevue, Bakersfield, CA. Estimated value $460.000 Giveaway Date: August 17, 2023 St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Win this Bonus Prize Get your ticket by July 21 for a chance to win a Liberty Home Safe, with executive layout and installation included, courtesy of T&T Liberty Safes. House Ticket Outlet: Valley Strong Credit Union Get Tickets dreamhome.org | 800-385-9134 conducted by and beefs ALSACIS Jude Children's nach St. Joe's die altible up our paye deducted under Federal and State income tax only to the extent that it exceeds the cost of the tickets yo perchase to St. Jude by calling 1 800 822-6344 or by mal 3 ALSACS A Che Researchspital ACC 2064) CAR St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Finding our Saving children ARC-ANAL FOUNDER 20 Years FROVS Built by John Balfanz Homes , Inc. in Bellevue , Bakersfield , CA. Estimated value $ 460.000 Giveaway Date : August 17 , 2023 St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Win this Bonus Prize Get your ticket by July 21 for a chance to win a Liberty Home Safe , with executive layout and installation included , courtesy of T & T Liberty Safes . House Ticket Outlet : Valley Strong Credit Union Get Tickets dreamhome.org | 800-385-9134 conducted by and beefs ALSACIS Jude Children's nach St. Joe's die altible up our paye deducted under Federal and State income tax only to the extent that it exceeds the cost of the tickets yo perchase to St. Jude by calling 1 800 822-6344 or by mal 3 ALSACS A Che Researchspital ACC 2064 ) CAR St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Finding our Saving children ARC - ANAL FOUNDER