St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Win this House Built by John Balfanz Homes in the Sierra Vista community in southeast Bakersfield, CA. Estimated value $400,000. Giveaway Date: August 18, 2022 Early Bird Prize Get your ticket by July 1 for a chance to win Fuel for a Year, valued at $3,000, courtesy of Greg's Petroleum Service. Ticket Outlets: Valley Strong Credit Union Giveaway is conducted by and benefits ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude's audited financial statement is available upon request to St. Jude by calling 1-800-822-6344 or by email at annual. Your payment may be deducted under Federal and State income tax laws only to the extent that it exceeds the cost of the tickets you purchase. 2022 ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (EXPM-13214). CA R-0061 Get Tickets 800-385-9134 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Finding cures. Saving children. ALSAC-DANNY THOMAS, FOUNDER St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway Win this House Built by John Balfanz Homes in the Sierra Vista community in southeast Bakersfield , CA. Estimated value $ 400,000 . Giveaway Date : August 18 , 2022 Early Bird Prize Get your ticket by July 1 for a chance to win Fuel for a Year , valued at $ 3,000 , courtesy of Greg's Petroleum Service . Ticket Outlets : Valley Strong Credit Union Giveaway is conducted by and benefits ALSAC / St . Jude Children's Research Hospital . St. Jude's audited financial statement is available upon request to St. Jude by calling 1-800-822-6344 or by email at annual . . Your payment may be deducted under Federal and State income tax laws only to the extent that it exceeds the cost of the tickets you purchase . 2022 ALSAC / St . Jude Children's Research Hospital ( EXPM - 13214 ) . CA R - 0061 Get Tickets 800-385-9134 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Finding cures . Saving children . ALSAC - DANNY THOMAS , FOUNDER