Para obtener más información sobre cómo este cambio podría afectar su pago mensual, llame al 1-800-660-6789-81 A 1-800-893-9555 NOTICE OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY'S REQUEST TO CHANGE RATES FOR ITS PROPOSED SALE OF MINORITY INTEREST IN NON-NUCLEAR GENERATION PORTFOLIO APPLICATION (A.22-09-018) ACRONYMS YOU NEED TO KNOW PG&E: Pacific Gas and Electric Company CPUC: California Public Utilities Commission WHY AM I RECEIVING THIS NOTICE? On September 28, 2022, PG&E filed its Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non-Nuclear Generation Portfolio application with the CPUC. In the application, PG&E proposes the sale of a minority interest in its non-nuclear generation business through the creation of a new subsidiary of PG&E. The subsidiary would be subject to rate regulation under the CPUC. As a result of this application, the way rates are calculated will change, but there will be no increase in total rates charged to customers and no increase in monthly bills. PG&E proposes to transfer its non-nuclear generation assets, including hydroelectric, natural gas, solar generation facilities, and the Elkhorn battery energy storage system, to the new generation subsidiary. The subsidiary would operate as a utility under the CPUC's jurisdiction, continue to dedicate its output to public service, and provide generation service to customers within the same electric service territory as PG&E. PG&E would continue to operate and maintain the assets, as well as dispatch and schedule the generation output as part of its integrated resource portfolio. WHY IS PG&E REQUESTING THIS? As discussed in PG&E'S 2023 General Rate Case (A.21-06-021) and elsewhere, PG&E plans to substantially increase its capital expenditures to improve the safety and reliability of its system and to help achieve the state's decarbonization and electrification goals despite increasing challenges posed by climate change. PG&E believes that the proposed corporate transaction represents the best path forward for raising equity capital while balancing a variety of important objectives, including meeting PG&E's near-term capital needs and continuing to provide safe, reliable and affordable service. HOW COULD THIS AFFECT MY MONTHLY ELECTRIC RATES? Total electric rates and average monthly customer bills would not be impacted by the proposals in this application. There would be adjustments in the way rates are determined and there would be rates for both PG&E and the new generation subsidiary. Those rates would be combined in customer bills and customers would not see an increase in total rates. HOW DOES THE REST OF THIS PROCESS WORK? This application will be assigned to a CPUC Administrative Law Judge who will consider proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process. The Administrative Law Judge will issue a proposed decision that may adopt PG&E's application, modify it, or deny it. Any CPUC Commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision with a different outcome. The proposed decision, and any alternate decisions, will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC Commissioners at a public CPUC Voting Meeting. Parties to the proceeding are currently reviewing PG&E's application, including the Public Advocates Office. The Public Advocates Office is an independent consumer advocate within the CPUC that represents customers to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels. For more information about the Public Advocates Office, please call 1-415-703-1584, email or visit WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION? CONTACT PG&E If you have questions about PG&E's filing, please contact PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. For TTY, call 1-800-652-4712 If you would like an electronic copy of the filing and exhibits, please write to the address below: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non-Nuclear Generation Portfolio (A.22-09-018) P.O.Box 7442 San Francisco, CA 94120 CONTACT CPUC Please visit to submit a comment about this proceeding on the CPUC Docket Card. Here you can also view documents and other public comments related to this proceeding. Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG&E's request can help the CPUC make an informed decision. If you have questions about CPUC processes, you may contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office at: Email: Public Mail: CPUC Public Advisor's Office 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 1-866-849-8390 (toll-free) or 1-415-703-2074 Call: Please reference the Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non-Nuclear Generation Portfolio A.22-09-018 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter. Para obtener más información sobre cómo este cambio podría afectar su pago mensual , llame al 1-800-660-6789-81 A 1-800-893-9555 NOTICE OF PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY'S REQUEST TO CHANGE RATES FOR ITS PROPOSED SALE OF MINORITY INTEREST IN NON - NUCLEAR GENERATION PORTFOLIO APPLICATION ( A.22-09-018 ) ACRONYMS YOU NEED TO KNOW PG & E : Pacific Gas and Electric Company CPUC : California Public Utilities Commission WHY AM I RECEIVING THIS NOTICE ? On September 28 , 2022 , PG & E filed its Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non - Nuclear Generation Portfolio application with the CPUC . In the application , PG & E proposes the sale of a minority interest in its non - nuclear generation business through the creation of a new subsidiary of PG & E . The subsidiary would be subject to rate regulation under the CPUC . As a result of this application , the way rates are calculated will change , but there will be no increase in total rates charged to customers and no increase in monthly bills . PG & E proposes to transfer its non - nuclear generation assets , including hydroelectric , natural gas , solar generation facilities , and the Elkhorn battery energy storage system , to the new generation subsidiary . The subsidiary would operate as a utility under the CPUC's jurisdiction , continue to dedicate its output to public service , and provide generation service to customers within the same electric service territory as PG & E . PG & E would continue to operate and maintain the assets , as well as dispatch and schedule the generation output as part of its integrated resource portfolio . WHY IS PG & E REQUESTING THIS ? As discussed in PG & E'S 2023 General Rate Case ( A.21-06-021 ) and elsewhere , PG & E plans to substantially increase its capital expenditures to improve the safety and reliability of its system and to help achieve the state's decarbonization and electrification goals despite increasing challenges posed by climate change . PG & E believes that the proposed corporate transaction represents the best path forward for raising equity capital while balancing a variety of important objectives , including meeting PG & E's near - term capital needs and continuing to provide safe , reliable and affordable service . HOW COULD THIS AFFECT MY MONTHLY ELECTRIC RATES ? Total electric rates and average monthly customer bills would not be impacted by the proposals in this application . There would be adjustments in the way rates are determined and there would be rates for both PG & E and the new generation subsidiary . Those rates would be combined in customer bills and customers would not see an increase in total rates . HOW DOES THE REST OF THIS PROCESS WORK ? This application will be assigned to a CPUC Administrative Law Judge who will consider proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process . The Administrative Law Judge will issue a proposed decision that may adopt PG & E's application , modify it , or deny it . Any CPUC Commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision with a different outcome . The proposed decision , and any alternate decisions , will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC Commissioners at a public CPUC Voting Meeting . Parties to the proceeding are currently reviewing PG & E's application , including the Public Advocates Office . The Public Advocates Office is an independent consumer advocate within the CPUC that represents customers to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels . For more information about the Public Advocates Office , please call 1-415-703-1584 , email or visit . WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION ? CONTACT PG & E If you have questions about PG & E's filing , please contact PG & E at 1-800-743-5000 . For TTY , call 1-800-652-4712 If you would like an electronic copy of the filing and exhibits , please write to the address below : Pacific Gas and Electric Company Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non - Nuclear Generation Portfolio ( A.22-09-018 ) P.O.Box 7442 San Francisco , CA 94120 CONTACT CPUC Please visit to submit a comment about this proceeding on the CPUC Docket Card . Here you can also view documents and other public comments related to this proceeding . Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG & E's request can help the CPUC make an informed decision . If you have questions about CPUC processes , you may contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office at : Email : Public Mail : CPUC Public Advisor's Office 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco , CA 94102 1-866-849-8390 ( toll - free ) or 1-415-703-2074 Call : Please reference the Proposed Sale of Minority Interest in Non - Nuclear Generation Portfolio A.22-09-018 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter .