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    November 8, 2023
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November 2023 DTSC PUBLIC NOTICE DTSC's Mission is to protect California's people, communities, and environment from toxic substances, to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land, and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD UPDATED REMOVAL ACTION WORKPLAN, LAMONT STEM ACADEMY PANAMA ROAD AND HABECKER ROAD, LAMONT, CALIFORNIA 93241 WHAT IS BEING PROPOSED? The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) announces a Public Comment Period from November 9, 2023 to December 15, 2023 on the Updated Removal Action Workplan (RAW) for the proposed Lamont STEM Academy (Site). The RAW presents background information, identifies and evaluates removal action alternatives, and proposes a removal action for arsenic impacted soil at the Site. The objective of the RAW is to mitigate potential risk to human health and the environment by excavation of approximately 12,363 cubic yards of arsenic impacted soil, consolidate at two (2) areas, and cap with acceptable surface cover on-site, and backfill the excavated areas with clean soil, and placement of a land use covenant for the capped areas. Once completed, portions of the Site will be covered by school buildings, play- grounds, play fields or hardscape. SITE LOCATION AND HISTORY The Site is located northwest of Panama Road and Habecker Road in Lamont, California. The Site is approximately 21.69 acres and is currently vacant land with low weed growth, a dirt surface, and is surrounded by agricultural and residential land. The proposed STEM Academy portion of the Site consists of the western 10.43 acres, and the remainder of the property will be idle or a future Central Kitchen & Maintenance, Operations, and Transportation (MOT) area. Historically, portions of the Site were used for agricultural purposes from at least 1946 to the early 1970s. The area in the northeastern portion of the property consisted of a farmhouse and farm related buildings with agricultural related equipment and materials up until at least 1967. The Site has been idle land since 1984. On September 7, 2011, the Lamont Elementary School District (District) entered into a School Cleanup Agreement with DTSC for the oversight of a Preliminary Environmental Assessment (PEA) and further cleanup of the Site. The PEA was conducted to investigate organochlorine pesticides, arsenic, and lead from the historical operations, and DTSC determined that Further Action was necessary at the Site. On May 29, 2012, DTSC approved a RAW. Subsequently, the District requested DTSC to place the project on hold due to lack of State funding. On February 3, 2023, the District requested to reactivate the project and on April 7, 2023, submitted a revised RAW with a newly planned configuration of the Site. HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? Comments may be submitted in writing, postmarked or emailed by December 15, 2023, to Johnson Abraham, DTSC Project Manager at 5796 Corporate Avenue, Cypress, California 90630 or by email at Johnson. WHERE DO I GET MORE INFORMATION? Site related information is available online on the EnviroStor link: file report.asp?global_id=60001429&mytab=activities or make an appointment at: DTSC at 5796 Corporate Avenue in Cypress, CA 90630, Tel: (714) 484-5300 or at the Lamont Branch Library at 8304 Segrue Road in Lamont, CA 93241, Tel: (661) 845-3471. If you have any comments regarding this notification, please contact: DTSC Project Manager Johnson Abraham via email at Johnson.Abraham@ or Tel: (714) 484-5380 or for public participation activities, Crystal Jimenez via email at or Tel: (818) 938-8256 Hearing impaired indsay use the Callomia Relay Service at 711 or 800-735-2929 TTY/VCD MCD Additional infation on DTC sites can be found through our Envir November 2023 DTSC PUBLIC NOTICE DTSC's Mission is to protect California's people , communities , and environment from toxic substances , to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land , and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products . PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD UPDATED REMOVAL ACTION WORKPLAN , LAMONT STEM ACADEMY PANAMA ROAD AND HABECKER ROAD , LAMONT , CALIFORNIA 93241 WHAT IS BEING PROPOSED ? The Department of Toxic Substances Control ( DTSC ) announces a Public Comment Period from November 9 , 2023 to December 15 , 2023 on the Updated Removal Action Workplan ( RAW ) for the proposed Lamont STEM Academy ( Site ) . The RAW presents background information , identifies and evaluates removal action alternatives , and proposes a removal action for arsenic impacted soil at the Site . The objective of the RAW is to mitigate potential risk to human health and the environment by excavation of approximately 12,363 cubic yards of arsenic impacted soil , consolidate at two ( 2 ) areas , and cap with acceptable surface cover on - site , and backfill the excavated areas with clean soil , and placement of a land use covenant for the capped areas . Once completed , portions of the Site will be covered by school buildings , play grounds , play fields or hardscape . SITE LOCATION AND HISTORY The Site is located northwest of Panama Road and Habecker Road in Lamont , California . The Site is approximately 21.69 acres and is currently vacant land with low weed growth , a dirt surface , and is surrounded by agricultural and residential land . The proposed STEM Academy portion of the Site consists of the western 10.43 acres , and the remainder of the property will be idle or a future Central Kitchen & Maintenance , Operations , and Transportation ( MOT ) area . Historically , portions of the Site were used for agricultural purposes from at least 1946 to the early 1970s . The area in the northeastern portion of the property consisted of a farmhouse and farm related buildings with agricultural related equipment and materials up until at least 1967. The Site has been idle land since 1984 . On September 7 , 2011 , the Lamont Elementary School District ( District ) entered into a School Cleanup Agreement with DTSC for the oversight of a Preliminary Environmental Assessment ( PEA ) and further cleanup of the Site . The PEA was conducted to investigate organochlorine pesticides , arsenic , and lead from the historical operations , and DTSC determined that Further Action was necessary at the Site . On May 29 , 2012 , DTSC approved a RAW . Subsequently , the District requested DTSC to place the project on hold due to lack of State funding . On February 3 , 2023 , the District requested to reactivate the project and on April 7 , 2023 , submitted a revised RAW with a newly planned configuration of the Site . HOW DO I PARTICIPATE ? Comments may be submitted in writing , postmarked or emailed by December 15 , 2023 , to Johnson Abraham , DTSC Project Manager at 5796 Corporate Avenue , Cypress , California 90630 or by email at Johnson . . WHERE DO I GET MORE INFORMATION ? Site related information is available online on the EnviroStor link : file report.asp ? global_id = 60001429 & mytab = activities or make an appointment at : DTSC at 5796 Corporate Avenue in Cypress , CA 90630 , Tel : ( 714 ) 484-5300 or at the Lamont Branch Library at 8304 Segrue Road in Lamont , CA 93241 , Tel : ( 661 ) 845-3471 . If you have any comments regarding this notification , please contact : DTSC Project Manager Johnson Abraham via email at Johnson.Abraham @ or Tel : ( 714 ) 484-5380 or for public participation activities , Crystal Jimenez via email at or Tel : ( 818 ) 938-8256 Hearing impaired indsay use the Callomia Relay Service at 711 or 800-735-2929 TTY / VCD MCD Additional infation on DTC sites can be found through our Envir