FINE AUGUST & OCTOBER AUCTION &COMPANY LLC ORCHARD OPPORTUNITIES IN ARIZONA ALMOND-PISTACHIO & PECAN AUCTION: AUGUST 22 AUCTION: OCTOBER 3 640 ACRES BENSON, AZ 540 ACRES SALOME, AZ MINIMUM BID: $2,300/ACRE MINIMUM BID: $2,100/ACRE Inspections By Appt. Only: Aug 27 & Sept 17,24 Inspections By Appt. Only: July 16, 23 & 30 The area currently has producing almond and pistachio orchards No pesticides or chemicals for several years 2 irrigation wells, new fencing Cement irrigation ditches 1.5 miles south of the town of Salome The area currently has producing pecan orchards 2 test wells logged at 1,000 feet & 1 irrigation well at 990 feet 1/2 mi paved road frontage on Pomerence Rd 1.5 miles north east of the town of Benson . Extended Growth Period & Great Early Vegetable Production Including Corn or Alfalfa 312.278.0600 Fine & Company LLC-AZ Broker # LC677500000 FINE AUGUST & OCTOBER AUCTION &COMPANY LLC ORCHARD OPPORTUNITIES IN ARIZONA ALMOND-PISTACHIO & PECAN AUCTION: AUGUST 22 AUCTION: OCTOBER 3 640 ACRES BENSON, AZ 540 ACRES SALOME, AZ MINIMUM BID: $2,300/ACRE MINIMUM BID: $2,100/ACRE Inspections By Appt. Only: Aug 27 & Sept 17,24 Inspections By Appt. Only: July 16, 23 & 30 The area currently has producing almond and pistachio orchards No pesticides or chemicals for several years 2 irrigation wells, new fencing Cement irrigation ditches 1.5 miles south of the town of Salome The area currently has producing pecan orchards 2 test wells logged at 1,000 feet & 1 irrigation well at 990 feet 1/2 mi paved road frontage on Pomerence Rd 1.5 miles north east of the town of Benson . Extended Growth Period & Great Early Vegetable Production Including Corn or Alfalfa 312.278.0600 Fine & Company LLC-AZ Broker # LC677500000