PAID ADVERTISEMENT THE KERN COUNTY TOWN CRIER WATCH THIS SPACE We as Americans have been gifted with the magnificent and enviable privilege of steering our own destinies. We do this through hard work, education and our informed selection of leaders. The Town Crier is of the belief, as are many of you, that we as a free people do not take these responsibilities seriously enough. We exist in echo chambers, interacting only with people and news sources that reinforce our existing beliefs. We entrust public servants with power and influence that they do not always use wisely. Sometimes we are even lied to. The Town Crier believes in a nation of informed Americans. That's why, periodically in this space, we will point out the shortcomings of a system that sends men and women to the chambers of government who are less than fair minded or honest. We will frame the debate, provide the sources, and let you, the reader, decide. Our goal is to educate - and motivate you to be a willing participate in that education. The United States: "A Republic if You Can Keep It" Benjamin Franklin This advertisement was purchased with private funds. PAID ADVERTISEMENT THE KERN COUNTY TOWN CRIER WATCH THIS SPACE We as Americans have been gifted with the magnificent and enviable privilege of steering our own destinies. We do this through hard work, education and our informed selection of leaders. The Town Crier is of the belief, as are many of you, that we as a free people do not take these responsibilities seriously enough. We exist in echo chambers, interacting only with people and news sources that reinforce our existing beliefs. We entrust public servants with power and influence that they do not always use wisely. Sometimes we are even lied to. The Town Crier believes in a nation of informed Americans. That's why, periodically in this space, we will point out the shortcomings of a system that sends men and women to the chambers of government who are less than fair minded or honest. We will frame the debate, provide the sources, and let you, the reader, decide. Our goal is to educate - and motivate you to be a willing participate in that education. The United States: "A Republic if You Can Keep It" Benjamin Franklin This advertisement was purchased with private funds.