SNOLESANE FALL Color is Ready! NURSER With Coupon Flat of Color $13.99 Reg. $15.99 IReimer's Nursery. Expires 10/31/19 STOCK PANSY DIANTHUS SNAPDRAGON & MORE Store Hours: 5 Gal Carpet Roses & Butterfly Bushes $10.99 each 8:00am-4:30pm Closed Sundays REIMER'S NURSERY 9305 Norris Rd. Between Coffee & Calloway. West of Hwy 99 (661) 399-8997 o SNOLESANE FALL Color is Ready! NURSER With Coupon Flat of Color $13.99 Reg. $15.99 IReimer's Nursery. Expires 10/31/19 STOCK PANSY DIANTHUS SNAPDRAGON & MORE Store Hours: 5 Gal Carpet Roses & Butterfly Bushes $10.99 each 8:00am-4:30pm Closed Sundays REIMER'S NURSERY 9305 Norris Rd. Between Coffee & Calloway. West of Hwy 99 (661) 399-8997 o