Para obtener más información sobre cómo este cambio podría afectar su pago mensual, llame al 1-800-660-6789- 1-800-893-9555 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FORUMS (PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARINGS): PG&E's 2021 NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING COST TRIENNIAL PROCEEDING APPLICATION (A.21-12-007) HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) would like to hear from you. You are invited to participate in a Public Participation Hearing about PG&E's 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding application. At the hearings, you can make comments, raise concerns and speak with a CPUC administrative law judge regarding this application. Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG&E's application can help the CPUC make an informed decision. WHERE AND WHEN WILL THESE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARINGS BE HELD? As part of the CPUC's ongoing efforts to protect customers and community members and to provide the greatest access, the January 26 hearing will be available virtually and the January 31 hearing will be held in person. JANUARY 26 AT 6 P.M. (VIRTUAL ONLY) This hearing can be viewed via internet, or listened to via phone, with the information above. If you wish to make a public comment, please participate by phone using the phone number above, press "1, unmute your phone and provide your name when prompted. Webcast: Phone number: 1-800-857-1917 Passcode: 1767567# JANUARY 31 AT 6 P.M. (IN PERSON ONLY) San Luis Obispo County Chambers 1055 Monterey Street, Room D170 Luis Obispo, CA 93408 San If you wish to make a public comment, please sign up at the Public Advisor's Office table. If you need a language interpreter, contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office using the contact information at the end of this notice at least five business days before the hearing. Written public comments may also be provided at any time during the proceeding in the "Public Comments" tab of the Docket Card for A.21-12-007, available at: Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG&E's request can help the CPUC make an informed decision. Please note: A quorum of commissioners may attend but no decisions will be made or voted on at these hearings. WHY AM I RECEIVING THIS NOTICE? Every three years, PG&E is required to file a Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding application with the CPUC. The 2021 application was filed on December 14, 2021, and includes updated cost estimates for decommissioning activities related to Diablo Canyon and Humboldt Bay power plants. The application also includes a reasonableness review for certain costs as well as a review to ensure compliance with previous rulings and related regulations. HOW COULD THIS AFFECT MY MONTHLY BILL? The proposals included in this application will not impact customer bills or rates. The updated decommissioning cost estimate does not require further funding from customers and PG&E is not requesting to collect any new costs from customers. HOW DOES THE REST OF THIS PROCESS WORK? This application has been assigned to a CPUC administrative law judge who will consider proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process. The administrative law judge will issue a proposed decision that may adopt PG&E's application, modify it or deny it. Any CPUC commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision with a different outcome. The proposed decision, and any alternate decisions, will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC commissioners at a public CPUC Voting Meeting Parties to the proceeding will review PG&E's application, including the Public Advocates Office. The Public Advocates Office is an independent consumer advocate within the CPUC that represents customers to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels. For more information, please call 1-415-703-1584, email or visit WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION? CONTACT PG&E If you have questions about PG&E's application, please contact PG&E at 1-800-743-5000. For TTY, call 1-800-652-4712 If you would like an electronic copy of the filing and exhibits, please write to the address below: Pacific Gas and Electric Company 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding Application (A.21-12-007) P.O.Box 7442 San Francisco, CA 94120 CONTACT CPUC For additional information and any updates on the hearings, please visit If you have questions about CPUC processes, you may contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office at: Phone: 1-866-849-8390 (toll-free) or 1-415-703-2074 Mail: OPUC Public Advisor's Office 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Email: Public Please reference PG&E's 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding Application (A.21-12-007) in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter. Para obtener más información sobre cómo este cambio podría afectar su pago mensual , llame al 1-800-660-6789 1-800-893-9555 NOTICE OF PUBLIC FORUMS ( PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARINGS ) : PG & E's 2021 NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING COST TRIENNIAL PROCEEDING APPLICATION ( A.21-12-007 ) HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE ? Pacific Gas and Electric Company ( PG & E ) and the California Public Utilities Commission ( CPUC ) would like to hear from you . You are invited to participate in a Public Participation Hearing about PG & E's 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding application . At the hearings , you can make comments , raise concerns and speak with a CPUC administrative law judge regarding this application . Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG & E's application can help the CPUC make an informed decision . WHERE AND WHEN WILL THESE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION HEARINGS BE HELD ? As part of the CPUC's ongoing efforts to protect customers and community members and to provide the greatest access , the January 26 hearing will be available virtually and the January 31 hearing will be held in person . JANUARY 26 AT 6 P.M. ( VIRTUAL ONLY ) This hearing can be viewed via internet , or listened to via phone , with the information above . If you wish to make a public comment , please participate by phone using the phone number above , press " 1 , unmute your phone and provide your name when prompted . Webcast : Phone number : 1-800-857-1917 Passcode : 1767567 # JANUARY 31 AT 6 P.M. ( IN PERSON ONLY ) San Luis Obispo County Chambers 1055 Monterey Street , Room D170 Luis Obispo , CA 93408 San If you wish to make a public comment , please sign up at the Public Advisor's Office table . If you need a language interpreter , contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office using the contact information at the end of this notice at least five business days before the hearing . Written public comments may also be provided at any time during the proceeding in the " Public Comments " tab of the Docket Card for A.21-12-007 , available at : . Your participation by providing your thoughts on PG & E's request can help the CPUC make an informed decision . Please note : A quorum of commissioners may attend but no decisions will be made or voted on at these hearings . WHY AM I RECEIVING THIS NOTICE ? Every three years , PG & E is required to file a Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding application with the CPUC . The 2021 application was filed on December 14 , 2021 , and includes updated cost estimates for decommissioning activities related to Diablo Canyon and Humboldt Bay power plants . The application also includes a reasonableness review for certain costs as well as a review to ensure compliance with previous rulings and related regulations . HOW COULD THIS AFFECT MY MONTHLY BILL ? The proposals included in this application will not impact customer bills or rates . The updated decommissioning cost estimate does not require further funding from customers and PG & E is not requesting to collect any new costs from customers . HOW DOES THE REST OF THIS PROCESS WORK ? This application has been assigned to a CPUC administrative law judge who will consider proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process . The administrative law judge will issue a proposed decision that may adopt PG & E's application , modify it or deny it . Any CPUC commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision with a different outcome . The proposed decision , and any alternate decisions , will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC commissioners at a public CPUC Voting Meeting Parties to the proceeding will review PG & E's application , including the Public Advocates Office . The Public Advocates Office is an independent consumer advocate within the CPUC that represents customers to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with reliable and safe service levels . For more information , please call 1-415-703-1584 , email or visit . WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION ? CONTACT PG & E If you have questions about PG & E's application , please contact PG & E at 1-800-743-5000 . For TTY , call 1-800-652-4712 If you would like an electronic copy of the filing and exhibits , please write to the address below : Pacific Gas and Electric Company 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding Application ( A.21-12-007 ) P.O.Box 7442 San Francisco , CA 94120 CONTACT CPUC For additional information and any updates on the hearings , please visit . If you have questions about CPUC processes , you may contact the CPUC's Public Advisor's Office at : Phone : 1-866-849-8390 ( toll - free ) or 1-415-703-2074 Mail : OPUC Public Advisor's Office 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco , CA 94102 Email : Public Please reference PG & E's 2021 Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Triennial Proceeding Application ( A.21-12-007 ) in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter .