Kern County Public Works SPECIAL WASTE FACILITY FROM YOUR HOME Bakersfield 4951 Standard St. Wednesday -saturday 8 AM-4 PM Automotive Products Batteries (Home & Auto) Cleaning Products Medications Fluorescent Bulbs HOME Generated Sharps Paint & Paint Products Pesticides & Weed Killers Pool Chemicals & More PAINT THINNER AntiFreeze Coolant FROM YOUR BUSINESS If your business generates less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste per month, we can dispose of your waste! KERN COUNTY SPECIAL WASTE FACILITY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY CALL (661) 862-8900 Transport no more than 15 gallons or 125 lbs. of waste per trip (no containers over 5 gallons). NO Leaking Containers .Label ALL Containers.Do NOI Mix Wastes For more information call (661) 862-8900 or (800) 552-KERN OR visit us on the web at