346 LERA COUN Kern County Planning & Natural Resources Department Presents A VIRTUAL FIRST LOOK A Carbon Management Business Park Interactive Website Primer Vistazo Virtual Sitio Web Interactivo del Parqaue Empresarial de Gestión del Carbon Explore new and innovative carbon management technologies to create a Clean Energy and Carbon Management Hub for all of California. Join Us January 18, 2023 1:30 pm PST Learn what types of industries are being explored, and join the public dialogue about the types of high-road jobs and investments in the community such industries can bring. Questions? Email us directly at KernCMBP@kerncounty.com Instructions for attending the virtual workshop will be available on January 13, 2023 at https://kernplanning.com Las instrucciones para asistir al taller virtual estarán disponibles el 13 del Enero del 2023 en https://kernplanning.com 346 LERA COUN Kern County Planning & Natural Resources Department Presents A VIRTUAL FIRST LOOK A Carbon Management Business Park Interactive Website Primer Vistazo Virtual Sitio Web Interactivo del Parqaue Empresarial de Gestión del Carbon Explore new and innovative carbon management technologies to create a Clean Energy and Carbon Management Hub for all of California . Join Us January 18 , 2023 1:30 pm PST Learn what types of industries are being explored , and join the public dialogue about the types of high - road jobs and investments in the community such industries can bring . Questions ? Email us directly at KernCMBP@kerncounty.com Instructions for attending the virtual workshop will be available on January 13 , 2023 at https://kernplanning.com Las instrucciones para asistir al taller virtual estarán disponibles el 13 del Enero del 2023 en https://kernplanning.com