Kern Audubon Society is proud to present THERE AND BACK An Evening with Internationally Acclaimed Birder Richard Crossley TUESDAY APRIL 4 2023 7 PM FREE ADMISSION KCSOS Reider Building 2000 K St, Room 204 Parking structure in the rear Open to the public Refreshments served KERNAUDUBONSOCIETY.ORG Richard Crossley Birder, Photographer and Award-Winning Author of 'The Crossley ID Guide' Series Kern Audubon Society While working on The Crossley ID Guide: Waterfowl, Richard decided he needed to drive to the Arctic Ocean, northern Alaska - from his home in Cape May, NJ. Told in a thick Yorkshire accent, with a sense of humor, and a disdain for PC, Richard will talk about his 16,000 mile adventure. Living out of his truck, Richard chats about the incredible places he traveled and the inspiring people he met who changed his thoughts. BOOKS ON BIRDS BY RICHARD WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. Kern Audubon Society is proud to present THERE AND BACK An Evening with Internationally Acclaimed Birder Richard Crossley TUESDAY APRIL 4 2023 7 PM FREE ADMISSION KCSOS Reider Building 2000 K St , Room 204 Parking structure in the rear Open to the public Refreshments served KERNAUDUBONSOCIETY.ORG Richard Crossley Birder , Photographer and Award - Winning Author of ' The Crossley ID Guide ' Series Kern Audubon Society While working on The Crossley ID Guide : Waterfowl , Richard decided he needed to drive to the Arctic Ocean , northern Alaska - from his home in Cape May , NJ . Told in a thick Yorkshire accent , with a sense of humor , and a disdain for PC , Richard will talk about his 16,000 mile adventure . Living out of his truck , Richard chats about the incredible places he traveled and the inspiring people he met who changed his thoughts . BOOKS ON BIRDS BY RICHARD WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE .