H U N G R Y HUNTER STEAKKHOUSE Haypy Father's ay TE BANQU PRIVATE BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABL Serving the Best Prime Rib in Town! Gift tifcates3580 Rosedale Highway Happy Hour Monday Friday 2:00 6:00 pm BAKERSFIELD (661) 328-0580 Available clly wned Operated 1/2 1 Locally Owned & Operated 1/2 Price Appetizers and Drinks $5 OFF LUNCH FOR TWO DINNER FOR TWO $45.00 DINNER FOR TWO Present this coupon before ordering and receive $10 off your total bill for each pair Choice of: . 1/2In Prime rib . New York Steak . Full Rack Baby Back Ribs . Salmon Swordwish . Forest Mushroom Chicken Present this coupon before ordering and receive $5 off your total bill for each pair of full lunch entrees, up to a total of four. of full dinner entrees, up to a total of four. falltree, up to a toral of four. $offyor total bill for each That's a savings of up to $20. Each meal includes salad, bread, a choice of two sides and a slice of our Mudd pie to share. HUNTER Please peesent offer before Valid for up to sis guests for banquets or with a coupon er offer. Valid seven Not valid for banquets or with ay other ceupon or olfes Valid seven days a week until 8/31/18. HUNTER HUNTER Valid for up to four guests. Not valid for banquets or with any other coupon or offer. Valid seven days a week until 8/31/18. E other days a week until 831/18.