PARAMEDIC UNIT AMBULANCE 7805353 ational EMS 50 WEEK In 1974, President Gerald Forda mergency medical service Reflecting on this year's theme, grown, Hal Ambulanc emand for emerger -25, 2024 ed National EMS Week to honor oners who provide saving we look our best and longstanding communities we serve As em County has stently evolved to meet the increasing e. Through the years, we have introduced dadded more paramedics EMTs and ambulances to ensure that each request for medical and promptly answered Our comment goes beyond of ergency services. Hal Ambulance actively participatess deep-rooted connection with the community As we forge our future, we carry onward our founders of on, and community to ensure we meet Mr Halsexpectations in our comment your trusted paramedic provider for Bakersvi Lamont Frazer Park Shachack at Mave Rosamond Calm City Boron Sheer Wasco Delano and sumounding communes Everquest for medical aid Please join us in recognizing th happen day or night 365 days a year! Ambulance employees HALL COMMERCIAL HALL AMBULANCE 17 PARAMEDIC UNIT AMBULANCE 7805353 ational EMS 50 WEEK In 1974 , President Gerald Forda mergency medical service Reflecting on this year's theme , grown , Hal Ambulanc emand for emerger -25 , 2024 ed National EMS Week to honor oners who provide saving we look our best and longstanding communities we serve As em County has stently evolved to meet the increasing e . Through the years , we have introduced dadded more paramedics EMTs and ambulances to ensure that each request for medical and promptly answered Our comment goes beyond of ergency services . Hal Ambulance actively participatess deep - rooted connection with the community As we forge our future , we carry onward our founders of on , and community to ensure we meet Mr Halsexpectations in our comment your trusted paramedic provider for Bakersvi Lamont Frazer Park Shachack at Mave Rosamond Calm City Boron Sheer Wasco Delano and sumounding communes Everquest for medical aid Please join us in recognizing th happen day or night 365 days a year ! Ambulance employees HALL COMMERCIAL HALL AMBULANCE 17