GET bus 2019 Report to the Community We make life better by connecting people to places one ride at a time. GETomed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportaton proider tor the Bakentd Ubaniced Aea is the largest public tranait system within a 110-mile radus GET has a feet of 88 compressed natural gas buses eupped with wheelchair ifts and bke racks, 25 compressed natural gan GET-A-L buses and seven microtranet RYDE shumes GET serves 16 routes operating seven days a week and tranaported 64 milion passengers a ye QUICK FACTS Operating Budget: (2018/19) $31.5 Million Capital Budget (2018/19) $5.4 Million Employees: 358 District Population: 500,977 (2019) More than a bus... 1,400 Bags of Groceries Distributed Volunteer of the Year Award Golden Empire Transt Dsrict was awarded he Vunteer of the r Award a the Community Action Partnenhip of Kam CAP Humaaian Awards Banquet on May 9 201 Provides Economic Return $1 GET parners with Self Help Federal Cedt Union and Community Action Patnenhip of Kern CAPKFood Bank For vry St GET oends and invests t oreates $5.80 in reum For evey $t eamed the average household spends 18e on 1ansoonanion 94% of wich is for bing maintaining and opeating cars to hold a food diatrbution every quarter GET increaned food colection efforts in 2018 by 3.000 pounds for a total of 9.003 pounds given so Bakersfield residents $5.80 Innovation in transit... GET unched as nine-month on demand pilot project (RYDE) on Apr 7,2019 The service is proving to be success in shaping the ure o pubic transportation in Bakerseld During the fst month of service ovee 00 ndes were completed On August 1. the service t a record high of 103 rdes completed in one day RYDE serves the southwest area of Bakersfield Transit RYDE Sa far Pve only geten to une it once, but it was a godhend Mope you can keep this gaing and expand surely ue it as often as possbe Ethel Grimes, RYDE Customer Expenses Revenue AS iportion Sen ed F &o dation StARA 4 e Sw cce e tA Ma nendn CNals S Advertsing S oder Total $30,795,015 Total $30,795015 869-2GET (2438) I GET bus 2019 Report to the Community We make life better by connecting people to places one ride at a time. GETomed in July 1973 and is the primary public transportaton proider tor the Bakentd Ubaniced Aea is the largest public tranait system within a 110-mile radus GET has a feet of 88 compressed natural gas buses eupped with wheelchair ifts and bke racks, 25 compressed natural gan GET-A-L buses and seven microtranet RYDE shumes GET serves 16 routes operating seven days a week and tranaported 64 milion passengers a ye QUICK FACTS Operating Budget: (2018/19) $31.5 Million Capital Budget (2018/19) $5.4 Million Employees: 358 District Population: 500,977 (2019) More than a bus... 1,400 Bags of Groceries Distributed Volunteer of the Year Award Golden Empire Transt Dsrict was awarded he Vunteer of the r Award a the Community Action Partnenhip of Kam CAP Humaaian Awards Banquet on May 9 201 Provides Economic Return $1 GET parners with Self Help Federal Cedt Union and Community Action Patnenhip of Kern CAPKFood Bank For vry St GET oends and invests t oreates $5.80 in reum For evey $t eamed the average household spends 18e on 1ansoonanion 94% of wich is for bing maintaining and opeating cars to hold a food diatrbution every quarter GET increaned food colection efforts in 2018 by 3.000 pounds for a total of 9.003 pounds given so Bakersfield residents $5.80 Innovation in transit... GET unched as nine-month on demand pilot project (RYDE) on Apr 7,2019 The service is proving to be success in shaping the ure o pubic transportation in Bakerseld During the fst month of service ovee 00 ndes were completed On August 1. the service t a record high of 103 rdes completed in one day RYDE serves the southwest area of Bakersfield Transit RYDE Sa far Pve only geten to une it once, but it was a godhend Mope you can keep this gaing and expand surely ue it as often as possbe Ethel Grimes, RYDE Customer Expenses Revenue AS iportion Sen ed F &o dation StARA 4 e Sw cce e tA Ma nendn CNals S Advertsing S oder Total $30,795,015 Total $30,795015 869-2GET (2438) I