Celebrating 28 Years! SHADE TREES & SUCCULENTS ORGANICS 28% HARVEST Harvest Supreme SUPRE OFF BUY 3 getG&B Does not include Japanese Maple and Fruit trees ORGANICS POTTERY Spring Close Out 10%OFF 1 1,2 RIVER ROCK 40 % OFF Uncles includes all fountains in stock BBQ 11am-2pm he booy Summer TOMATOES $1.00 1ST SHIPMENT OF WEEKS ROSES Local from Wasco CASH & CARRY- ($25 DELIVERY CHARGE) MSPMONLYWHILE SUPPLIES LASTI 3255 Allen Road Bakersfield 661-587-8104 Open: Mon Sat 7-5pm, The Country Garden Radio with Dale Edwards and Lindsey Ono will be on site. NDSCAP Sun 9-4pm